Government approves project of partnership with AC Milan to promote "destination DRC" internationally

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The draft agreement between the Democratic Republic of Congo and AC Milan, a football club playing in Serie A in Italy, aimed at promoting the "DRC destination", was adopted during the fourteenth meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Friday, September 20, 2024. This project was presented by M'pambia Musanga Didier, Minister of Tourism.

According to the Minister of Tourism, "this is a mutually beneficial partnership between this prestigious Italian football team and our country, which is part of the promotion of the DRC destination."

"He stressed that these discussions with the leaders of this club, during the mission he carried out in Italy last July, resulted in a draft memorandum of understanding to promote the DRC destination on the world stage through football. Hence the validation of the project, requested from the government, so that his ministry can get busy launching this major promotional and communication campaign highlighting our country," reports the minutes of the meeting, read by the government spokesperson.

Since his accession to the supreme magistracy, the Tshisekedi administration, starting with the president himself, has often sought to associate itself with influential figures to promote the Democratic Republic of Congo internationally. At the beginning of his first term, a rapprochement took place between Félix Tshisekedi and Jean-Claude Van Damme, to whom the president had even given a Congolese diplomatic passport.

More recently, a rapprochement took place with Tony Parker, former French basketball player and NBA star. Received at the Cité de l'Union africaine by Félix Tshisekedi, Tony Parker was the bearer of a project aimed at supporting and promoting sports in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Once this project is completed, the Democratic Republic of Congo will be able to compete with Rwanda, a country perceived as an aggressor but which enjoys a strong international reputation, with several European clubs wearing campaign messages on their jerseys presenting Rwanda as a leading tourist destination in Africa.

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