DRC: METELSAT Interim Director fined 27.5 million Congolese francs for mismanagement

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Joseph Itela Yilondo, Acting Director General of the National Agency for Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METELSAT), was found guilty of mismanagement by the Court of Auditors on Tuesday, July 2. He was accused of having obtained unjustified advantages totalling USD 5200 to the detriment of the agency.

During this first introductory hearing, the Court of Auditors ruled in the first instance in an adversarial manner on the case of Joseph Itela Yilondo. The verdict stipulates that the person concerned received 3100 USD for his own account and 2100 USD for Mrs. Ngondo Mokanya, also involved in the case.

The Court sentenced Joseph Itela Yilondo to a fine of 27.5 million Congolese francs, in addition to the costs of the proceedings. This conviction marks a hard blow for the METELSAT leader, who will now have to face the legal consequences of his actions.

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