DRC: BCNUDH recorded 19 incidents of conflict-related sexual violations resulting in around thirty victims in July

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In its main trends on human rights violations for the month of July, the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO) documented a total of 19 incidents of conflict-related sexual violations, resulting in 35 adult victims, all women, compared to 7 in June. This is a 28% increase compared to the previous month.

"Among these incidents, seven concern cases of rape, five gang rapes, three rapes followed by execution of the victims and one case each of rape and kidnapping, forced nudity and attempted rape," indicates the BCNUDH.

This UN body specifies that 94% of these sexual violations were committed by armed groups, resulting in 35 victims. 

Furthermore, the M23 is one of the main armed groups that perpetrated these tragedies with 13 women, the Nyatura factions with 8, the FDLR with 4, CODECO 3 and the ADF 2 women. "State agents have committed five cases of sexual violence related to the conflicts, all attributable to the FARDC (five women)", he adds, pointing to North Kivu as the province that recorded the highest number of victims of sexual violations (29), followed by Ituri (4) and Maniema (2).

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