Kinshasa: The Congolese Nurses' Union Dynamics Takes to Court the Despoilers of its Concession

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The Syndicate Dynamics of Nurses of Congo (DYSICO) is taking legal action to denounce the dispossession of its concession located in the Buma district, in the commune of N'sele in Kinshasa, by a customary chief. The members of DYSICO took this decision to take legal action during their extraordinary general assembly held on Wednesday, October 23 in the capital. These white coats are calling on the authorities to restore their rights.

The Secretary General of DYSICO, Geneviève Betubaseya, said that the traditional authority incriminated refuses to respond to the various invitations from the jurisdiction with which they filed their complaint.

She called on all those who have purchased land and built in the disputed concession to stop the work, pending the outcome of the upcoming trial:

"  We want to tell those who bought, if they find that they can give us gifts, that they continue to build. But if it is money from their sweat, I think that they should already stop these works. There are our children to whom we are going to bequeath this heritage and there are also the family members of our fellow subscribers who are already dead."

Another nurse from Kinshasa requested the involvement of the authorities on their behalf so that they can recover their land acquired in good and due form:

"  What we are asking for is the good faith of the authorities to do us justice, otherwise it will be difficult for us. That the authorities can really help us to recover our land...  "

Radio Okapi tried in vain to get the reaction of the accused traditional chief on this subject.

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