Territorial administrators present to the Head of State "the glaring precariousness in which they work"

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The administrators of the 145 territories presented, in a memorandum addressed to the President of the Republic, "the glaring precariousness in which they work".

Taking advantage of the visit of the Head of State to the province of Tshopo, the administrators of 145 territories transmitted their concerns to him.  

"For 21 months, we have been carrying out our duties without any support from the Congolese State in terms of operating costs, salary or bonus. This prolonged absence of financial support has plunged us into extreme precariousness and undermines the establishment of State authority in our decentralized territorial entities without taxes or duties. Some of our colleagues have died, our families are suffering seriously and access to education for our children is a serious problem,"  said the administrator of the Fizi territory in South Kivu province, Samy Kalonji Badibanga, spokesperson for the group.
The administrators have instructed their colleagues from the host province of the Head of State to personally deliver this memorandum to him

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