The Minister of Civil Service launches work to update the lists of agents eligible for retirement

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The Minister of Civil Service, Jean-Pierre Lihau, published on Tuesday, October 22, the timetable for the work to update the lists of agents eligible for retirement, certified in 2023. All administrations concerned are requested to guarantee efficient and coordinated processing of retirement files for each sector, within the commission set up for this purpose.

In a document dated October 21, 2024, the chief of staff of the national minister of the civil service indicates that this operation will run from October 24 to November 19, 2024.

The national minister of the Civil Service justifies this operation by the need to "  ventilate the organic framework of the services, to create job vacancies, and to generate an explosion of career opportunities, particularly in terms of advancement in grade  ".

The secretaries general, inspectors general and directors general of the civil service as well as human resources managers and presidents of the sectoral union domain are also invited to these sessions which will take place at the minister's office.

Meanwhile, any agent wishing to check their administrative situation is requested to visit the website  , a portal managed by the Ministry of Civil Service.

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