10th edition of the Rebranding Africa Forum in Belgium: Judith Suminwa presents investment opportunities in the DRC

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Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka represents the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, at the 10th edition of the Rebranding Africa Forum, which is being held in Brussels, Belgium. This edition addresses major topics for the future of Africa: artificial intelligence, the development of human capital, culture and soft power as levers for growth, the challenges of climate change and the opportunities linked to improving the continent's connectivity with the world. These themes are all crucial axes for the progress and prosperity of the African continent.

During her speech at the opening of the proceedings, on Thursday, October 17, 2024, the head of government Judith Suminwa presented the investment opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"My country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, offers exceptional investment opportunities that I cordially invite you to explore. With its vast natural resources, rich biodiversity and remarkable human potential, the DRC is poised to become a key player in economic growth in Africa. It is rich in strategic minerals such as copper, cobalt and lithium, essential for the technologies of tomorrow," said the Prime Minister of the DRC.

She also stressed that, due to its geographical position at the heart of the continent, the DRC is a crucial logistical crossroads for intra-African and international trade, thanks to its navigable rivers and its access to several transport corridors.

Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tuluka has reaffirmed her government's commitment to driving economic reforms and securing the business environment, which fosters a conducive investment climate.

"With attractive tax incentives, a dynamic legislative framework and a willingness to engage in dialogue with the private sector, the Congolese economic landscape is transforming to become conducive to investment. Investing in the DRC is both making a wise economic choice and expressing confidence in the promising future of our country," she reassured.

At the same time, Judith Suminwa welcomed the opportunity offered by this forum through its constructive dialogues for the development of the African continent.

“This forum is not just an event, but a call to action, a journey towards a united, prosperous and resilient Africa. Together, we can build the Africa we dream of and ensure that it becomes a tangible reality for future generations,” she added.

The 10th edition of the Rebranding Africa Forum will take place over three days, from 17 to 19 October 2024, in the Belgian capital. This event brings together opinion leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and investors around the theme "Building Africa Together".

On this occasion, the DRC is in the spotlight, particularly thanks to its status as a "solution country" on the issue of climate change. It should be noted that, since its creation in 2014, the Rebranding Africa Forum has established itself as one of the essential events to address the transformations necessary for the sustainable development of the African continent.

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