Flooding in Kinshasa: Daniel Bumba mobilizes rescue teams to intensify cleaning of gutters

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The torrential rain that fell on Kinshasa this past Saturday left indelible marks. A two-year-old child, swept away by the floodwaters in a flood zone of the Kalamu River, is the sad victim of this bad weather. While the human toll is heavy, the material damage is also considerable.

However, the efforts undertaken by the provincial authorities have helped to limit the scale of the disaster. The intensive cleaning of gutters, decided by Governor Daniel Bumba Lubaki, has played a crucial role in preventing flooding in many neighborhoods. Faced with this observation, the governor reaffirmed his determination to continue and intensify these cleaning operations.

Rescue teams are currently crisscrossing the city to assess the damage and provide emergency assistance to the affected populations. A crisis meeting was organized in the wake of these events, bringing together the main provincial authorities. During this meeting, it was decided to strengthen the population's awareness of the importance of ecological civic-mindedness. Vice-Governor Eddy Iyeli thus called on the people of Kinshasa to correctly use the garbage bins that will soon be deployed throughout the city.

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