Villages in Bafwesende deserted after fighting between FARDC and Mai-Mai group

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A massive displacement of the population has been observed over the last two days in the region of Opienge, territory of Bafwesende located 262 kilometers east of Kisangani (Tshopo).

According to civil society, this movement is a result of clashes between the FARDC and fighters from an armed group from North Kivu allied with the self-proclaimed Mai-Mai general Shokoro. 

According to the same source, around ten of the fleeing civilians were killed. 

"It was Shokoro who went to North Kivu to seek the support of these former rebels. Now, as they have rallied, they still want to take over this forest, where there is part of the Maïko national park and part of it also has the Dangumu mine," explains the provincial deputy, Masimango Simosimo, elected representative of Bafwasende.

He points out, however, that military operations are underway in the area. He calls for the reinforcement of troops to put an end to the adventures of these Mai-Mai, which have lasted far too long. 

The attackers want to stay there, according to him, while plundering the precious materials of the Tshopo province. 

"When people loot, they don't come here to us. They leave, we evacuate directly to Rwanda. Now, they are all rallying, they want to come and occupy this area by coming all the way to Bafwasende," continued the provincial elected official.

Villages are being emptied of their inhabitants. "In Opienge, there are only a few men because there, in Balobe, there are still clashes" between the army and this armed group. 

Four Mai-Mai were killed on the first day, according to him, "there were not even any losses among the FARDC, only one element was injured. To restore peace, there is nothing but force, that the FARDC can reinforce the team that had left in advance, resupply, I think that will end, all this story there..." 

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