Bunia: the deterioration of bridges and footbridges is hampering the daily lives of the population

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Several bridges and footbridges linking the different districts and avenues of the city of Bunia, in Ituri, are in an advanced state of deterioration, noted the Radio Okapi reporter on Saturday, October 19.

Some of these structures are already dilapidated, while others have collapsed due to the frequent rains in the region.

In the Ngezi district, many residents are experiencing enormous difficulties in reaching the Bunia general referral hospital and the city's large market. Almost all roads leading to these public places have become almost impassable. This is the case of the Sederu bridge, which links this district to that of Bigo. This situation puts many residents at risk, particularly children going to school.

"  This bridge is a danger, all the pillars are already broken, when there is an overflow of water, these pillars break. Someone died here at the bridge, he fell off his motorcycle and died on the spot. We just need the bridge to be fixed  ," explains a resident.

During this month of October, two people lost their lives and two others were injured on the Sederu bridge.

Another resident recalls that this bridge is very important for the daily life of the local population of the town of Bunia:

 When you are sick, you have to go very far to get to the general hospital. The market also becomes far away without this bridge."

This feeling of dismay is shared by some traders operating near the Nyamukawu River, next to the bridge linking the Lembabo district to the Peniel service station.

According to them, their activities are no longer running smoothly as before, especially since traffic has become rare in this area.

They are calling on the authorities to intervene urgently.

"  We pay the rent, the children's expenses and food, we no longer sell since there is no more bridge. We sell spare parts, there really has to be traffic for us to earn. The motorbikes no longer pass, even the pedestrians. The work is progressing very slowly. We have to speed up (the reconstruction of the bridge) so that people can pass and everyone can find their way to their business  ," pleads a local shopkeeper.

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