A mother and her three boys, hostages of the Mobondo militia on the Lonzo-Kingala road

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At least four people are being taken hostage by Mobondo militiamen on the Lonzo-Kingala axis, in Kwango province. Their ordeal began after the attack, on Friday, October 18, of a vehicle coming from Kinshasa with several passengers on board, including students.

These armed men took everything and led their hostages to an unknown destination.

For the moment, several vehicles are avoiding using this section, fearing the worst.

The vice-president of the provincial consultation framework of the civil society of Kwango, Symphorien Kwengo, who is warning, is pleading for security measures to be taken to pacify this area:

"Yesterday at 6 p.m. in the village of Patsho, on the Lonzo-Kingala axis, Mobondo militiamen attacked a vehicle coming from Kinshasa with several people, including students leaving for Kingala. They took everything and took four people hostage for an unknown destination: a mother and three boys."

 The population of Kingala is in mourning, according to him, "  fearing the worst, like recently in September when they executed four hostages still on this section  ."

Three other vehicles that are in Kingala cannot leave for fear of a similar attack.

"  We are asking that the security services take action to impose peace to allow the population of this part of the Kwango province to live peacefully  ," says Symphorien Kwengo.

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