Kinshasa: Mayors and municipal councilors trained on the development of municipal development plans

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Mayors, municipal councilors, heads of municipal offices, members of local committees for participatory governance and social leaders of the municipalities of the city of Kinshasa took part in a three-day training workshop on the development of the local development plan and the participatory budget as well as financial decentralization and monitoring of public policies.

This workshop also helped to strengthen the dialogue between grassroots political-administrative actors and social leaders for better participation of grassroots entities in the city of Kinshasa.

According to the representative of the Bishop of the Anglican Church of the diocese of Kinshasa, Mambo Mawa Lebon, the development of an entity is everyone's business, that is to say, legislators, the executive and civil society.

According to this delegate, these meetings aim to increase citizen participation at different levels of governance, through the three pillars of grassroots development. 

"The executive, the legislature and civil society must come together for the development of basic entities," explains Mambo Mawa Lebon

For the facilitator of this project - in the city of Kinshasa -, Rebecca Kabeya, it is appropriate to "produce the local development plan and the participatory budget for each commune and improve collaboration between the communal executives and their deliberative bodies"

The deputy mayor of the commune of Kasa-Vubu, Sandras Moswalo Limetebi, promises to collaborate with civil society from now on:

"We, the authorities, are asked to always involve civil society in the development of a local development plan. Together with civil society, our communities will be developed." 

Organized by the Anglican Church in Congo, this training session ended on Friday, October 18.

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