Kinshasa: Several damages observed after the rain this Saturday

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The city of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was flooded this morning after rain fell for about 3 hours.

In the neighborhoods surrounding the Kalamu River, in the eponymous commune, furniture was swept away by the waters of the river. At the Navigation School, not far from the Victoire roundabout, parked vehicles were swept away by the waters. Others were trapped by these waters.

Despite the start of cleaning the gutters launched by the city authorities, flooding continued. Triomphal Boulevard, in the commune of Lingwala, was once again under water despite the gutter built not far from the Martyrs stadium.

The Funa power station, located in the commune of Limete, was disconnected from power by the National Electricity Company (SNEL) following the flooding of the electrical installation. Several roads in Kinshasa remained impassable after the rain.

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