Goma: launch of a free cancer screening campaign

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The senior advisor to the military governor in charge of health announces a campaign of voluntary and free cancer screening for both men and women. This campaign, called "Pink October, all united, same fight" on the global level, aims to mobilize the population for the fight against breast cancer.

According to the governor's chief advisor, Prisca Luanda Kamala, this campaign aims to combat and avoid the risks associated with this multifaceted and deadly disease.

"With this campaign, we want to raise awareness among people, men and women, to fight against cancer. And it is within this framework that there will be an activity that we will organize on October 19, this Saturday, to screen men and women. We invite the entire population of North Kivu, especially women, to come and get screened...", she said.

This voluntary breast cancer screening campaign will take place in several health facilities in Goma.

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