Bunia: Health structures operate despite call for strike

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Several public health facilities in Bunia, Ituri, continue to operate normally, despite the call for a strike launched four days ago by the National Inter-Union of Health Professionals. Although the demands concerning the alignment of risk premiums and the mechanization of agents are supported by caregivers, they remain on duty to meet the needs of the population, particularly in a province where insecurity exacerbates medical emergencies.

At Bunia General Hospital, activities are continuing as normal. The operating theatre is operational, the paediatrics department continues to receive sick children, and intensive care is treating the most serious cases. Dr John Katabuka, head of the hospital, says the situation is similar at the Bankoko health centre in the commune of Mbunya, where medical staff are ensuring continuity of care. At the “La Commune” health centre, near Bunia town hall, the staff, although aware of the stakes of the strike, have chosen to continue treating the many patients in need.

The provincial head of the Intersyndical of health professionals in Ituri announces the upcoming holding of a general assembly to determine their position, while awaiting a response from the government to improve their working conditions.

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