DRC-CAR: signing of a military cooperation agreement to address common security challenges

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Veterans Guy Kabongo Muadiamvita and his Central African counterpart Rameaux-Claude Bireau, Minister of Defense and Reconstruction of the Central African Army, signed a military cooperation agreement in Kinshasa on Friday, October 18.

The objective is, according to the terms of this partnership, to strengthen collaboration between the armed forces of the two nations, with the aim of effectively combating common security challenges and thus promoting peace and stability in the region.

The agreement includes the exchange of intelligence and the establishment of strategies to secure the common border. This initiative comes two weeks after Minister Kabongo visited Bas-Uelé in the north of the DRC, a region often targeted by incursions by Central African rebels and Mbororo transhumant herders.

This military collaboration between Kinshasa and Bangui marks a new era of strategic partnership and regional solidarity, indicates the Congolese Ministry of Defense.

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