Kongo-Central: pooling of the special tax collected from motorcyclists

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From now on, in Kongo-Central, each motorcyclist will pay, in a single window 1000 FC for the conventional special tax for reconstruction, (TSCRE). This measure comes from the memorandum of understanding signed Thursday, October 17 between the stakeholders of this tax including the general directorate of revenue, the town halls and communes, after three months of talks.

 The president of the Kongo-Central motorcyclists' association, Bamo Bamonekene, welcomes the mutualisation of the TSCRE, which, according to him, puts an end to the harassment and the multiplicity of taxes to which motorcyclists are subjected.

Before the signing of this agreement, the province, through the General Directorate of Revenue, collected 500 FC from motorcyclists as a special tax for reconstruction. The town hall also collected 500 FC from the parking tax. The municipalities, in turn, did the same with the digitization tax.

 This multiplicity of taxes is at the root of various protest movements by motorcyclists across Kongo-Central, some motorcyclists say.

Thus, this mutualization marks the end of the multiplicity of taxes, estimates Bamo Bamonekene.

The revenue generated by this special conventional reconstruction tax will be shared between the stakeholders including the province, the town halls and the municipalities.

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