Is wider war in the Middle East now inevitable?

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The Israeli assassination of Hassan Nasrallah threatens to send the Middle East into fresh conflict, with eyes on Iran and Hezbollah as they consider what to do next. The pictures from Beirut are unnerving to say the least, the predictions for the immediate future even more so. With the dust still settling from this game-changing assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, there are pressing questions crying out for answers. Most of all, is the Middle East about to erupt into a regional conflict that threatens us all? That's been the warning for almost a year, so is it about to happen? Not if America and its allies can help it. Follow latest: Iran warns Israel will 'regret their actions' Hezbollah is a designated terrorist organisation for the US, UK and other Western nations. It has killed hundreds of their citizens over the years. There is no doubt President Joe Biden has felt what he called a "measure of justice" that Nasrallah has been killed.

But there is also a fear of what comes next. From the president down we are hearing urgent calls for de-escalation and a diplomatic solution. And the US has rushed military assets to ward off Hezbollah's patrons in Iran doing their worst. But will that be enough?

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