Ituri: High tension following the murder of a 19-year-old in Mungamba

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Economic and rural activities were paralyzed on Saturday, September 28 in the morning in the Mungamba region, about twenty kilometers from Komanda center, on national road number 4 (Ituri).

According to local sources, this tension follows the assassination the day before of a 19-year-old by armed men wearing military uniforms similar to those of the soldiers of the armed forces of the DRC (FARDC).

According to witnesses, early in the evening, two drunken soldiers armed with firearms broke into the victim's home. An argument broke out between the two parties. In a fit of anger, one of the soldiers took out his weapon and shot the young man, killing him, before fleeing.

The news spread very quickly, according to concordant sources.

Hundreds of angry residents took to the streets to denounce the crime and demand the release of these soldiers who, according to them, have been working in the area for a very long time.

To express their dismay, they burned tires and barricaded all agricultural service roads, particularly on the Mabangifo-CEBECA axis, as well as on the section leading to Mambasa. Here, almost all the shops remained closed.

John Kihimba, head of the NGO Coalition associative résolée pour la défense des droits de l'homme, condemns the actions of these soldiers. He asks their hierarchy to conduct investigations to find them and make them available to justice.

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