North Kivu: A lifeless body discovered in the village of Bugamba 2 while the shooting of a tricycle driver raises the population in Goma

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A lifeless body was discovered on the night of Monday to Tuesday in the village of Bugamba 2, Muja group, in the territory of Nyiragongo (North Kivu).

According to local civil society, it is the body of a man, partially dressed in military uniform, who was discovered after gunshots rang out in this entity. 

Thierry Gasisiro, technical secretary of the citizen structure of Nyiragongo specifies that the identity of the victim is not yet known because it is noted, very often, a confusion about the bearers of weapons who circulate in this part of Nyiragongo. He calls on the authorities of the state of siege to put an end to proceeding with the identification of all the bearers of weapons including the soldiers, the police and the Wazalendo patriots and thus to track down all the bandits who hide among the population. 

"The body was found not far from Cajed, after it had been crackling with bullets for a while. The first clues indicate that the person would be either a soldier, a Muzalendo or a bandit because this lifeless body was wearing military pants and shoes. However, the identity remains unknown. We are asking for investigations. It is clear that the authorities are not able to stop this insecurity in the territory of Nyiragongo. It is time to think about organizing meetings with civil society actors to define strategies together to stem the insecurity," says Thierry Gasisiro, technical secretary of the civil society of Nyiragongo.

In Goma, moreover, calm has returned to the place commonly called Chongo, on the border between the territory of Nyiragongo and the city. Angry youths demonstrated against the shooting death, on Monday afternoon, of a tricycle driver by a gun carrier. The defense and security forces used tear gas and warning shots to disperse the demonstrators. Traffic has resumed on the Majengo-Chongo axis, Katindo 2, going towards the President's entrance, where youths had just set up barricades. 

This Monday, September 16, during the September parliamentary session, Vital Kamerhe and Jean Michel Sama Lukonde, respectively President of the National Assembly and the Senate, indicated that beyond the examination and adoption of the draft budget for the 2025 financial year, security issues will also be addressed by the elected deputies and senators. 

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