DRC: National Assembly intends to rely on IGF and Court of Auditors to intensify parliamentary control

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The National Assembly plans to rely on the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and the Court of Auditors in order to effectively carry out parliamentary control throughout the new ordinary session of September 2024 opened this Monday. It is in this context that the speaker of the lower house of parliament, Vital Kamerhe announced "imminent" meetings with the heads of these two control tools of the Congolese State in order to harmonize the functioning of this support to implement good governance in the management of public affairs.

"No budgetary reform will bear fruit if we do not improve the management of public finances. We must intensify our efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of state resources. Public funds must serve exclusively the interest of the nation. In this context, I am planning two working sessions, first with the Court of Auditors, an audit body under the supervision of the National Assembly, and finally with the Court of Auditors and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) which will be called upon to support the parliamentary control that we intend to intensify during this legislature, thanks to their proven expertise in the matter," said Vital Kamerhe.

Since his accession to the supreme magistracy, President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo has had to revitalize the Court of Auditors and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), which are now active in tracking down embezzlers of public funds. However, embezzlement of public funds and corruption have increased and the reported cases are not punished, according to several observers. Very recently, when it returned to office, the officials of the Court of Auditors had pleaded for the strengthening of its capacities in order to enable it to do even better in the exercise of its legal missions.

In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 87-323 of September 15, 1987 establishing the General Inspectorate of Finance, abbreviated to "IGF", this service attached to the Presidency of the Republic has general authority in the area of ​​control of finances and public property. Since its revitalization, the IGF has several achievements to its credit that have enabled the Congolese State to generate public revenue.

In this capacity, it verifies and controls all financial operations of the State, decentralized administrative entities, public establishments and parastatal bodies as well as organizations or companies of any nature benefiting from financial assistance from the State, decentralized administrative entities and public establishments or parastatal bodies in the form of capital participation, subsidy, loan, advance or guarantee.

The General Inspectorate of Finance, as the government's senior audit service, may carry out any second-degree counter-verification mission of all customs, tax or parafiscal situations of taxpayers or those liable for taxes, duties, fees or charges, either in the event of the discovery of fraud during the normal execution of a control or verification mission, or at the request of the political and administrative authorities, or at the request of the judicial authorities, or, finally, upon denunciation by third parties.

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