DRC development priorities on the agenda of a discussion in Kinshasa

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The Italian ambassador in Kinshasa and the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs held talks on the development priorities of the DRC.

The Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thérèse Kayikwamba Wagner and the Italian Ambassador to the DRC, Alberto Petrangeli, discussed on Thursday, September 12 in Kinshasa, the development priorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The Italian Ambassador specified: "We talked about the development priorities of the DRC, we are now moving on to the logic of development, to the logic of joint investment in the growth of the country. So this is something that increasingly meets the requirements of a country like yours, which is a large one, with many natural and human resources that must be developed and used for the good of the country."

During this meeting, the overview of bilateral relations between Italy and the DRC was made with the aim, he explained, of further strengthening the ties that unite these two States, before discussing the priority sectors for investment.

For Alberto Petrangeli, the priority sectors are: infrastructure, especially energy, but also connections, agriculture and sanitation for the improvement of the standard of the mining sector with the added value that remains in the country.

But, he continued, there are many things. We have cultural diplomacy that must be used more for the influence of the country.

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