North Kivu: A dispute between "wazalendo" turns into tragedy in Nyiragongo, one student killed and two others injured by bullets

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Calm returned on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 11 in several villages of the Bukumu chiefdom, in the Nyiragongo territory (North Kivu). This is after the death of a student from the Mugara Institute, killed by a “stray” bullet during a dispute between Wazalendo militiamen. Two other people were injured by bullets and are being treated. Angry, the students, together with local youths, barricaded the Goma-Rutshuru road before being dispersed by the police who used tear gas and warning shots.

According to local civil society sources, the incident occurred around 10am local time when a member of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) known as "wazalendo" opened fire while trying to escape arrest by his colleagues. In the process, a student of the 7th year at the Mugara Institute was shot and died on the spot. Two other people were injured. 

"We are affected by this tragedy caused by fake Wazalendo. It was around 10am when two fake wazalendo who were arguing opened fire at Kanyaruchinya, in the Nyiragongo territory. A bullet hit a student who was at school and who, unfortunately, has just lost his life. This is an act that we condemn and deplore with the utmost energy. We demand here, the authorities to take responsibility, to take, this time, their responsibilities in hand, to conduct serious investigations that can flush out all these fake wazalendo to sow desolation among the population", explains Thierry Gasisiro, technical secretary of the citizen structure of Nyiragongo. 

While calling on the population to remain calm, the sub-provincial of Nyiragongo, Shukuru Kisuka Babi, demanded that a mobile court hearing be held to judge the murderer. 

"I deplore this act. It is a crime against humanity. A delinquent targeted the students, shooting at point-blank range. Now we have recorded one dead and two injured. It is sad and horrible. I ask the children to calm down since we are working on it. We ask the military prosecutor to organize a mobile hearing. This gentleman, as he was restrained, must be tried in flagrante delicto and in front of everyone. We have just lost a child who would be President of the Republic tomorrow, or a minister, or even a member of parliament, but now his life has suddenly been ruined. For us, it is a sorrow," says Shukuru Kisuka Babi, sub-proved of Nyiragongo. 

Calls for proper supervision of wazalendo and the fight against the uncontrolled circulation of weapons are intensifying in the region.

Senators Célestin Vunabandi, Jean Marie Katokolyo, Janvier Kasiwa and Papy Machozi, all elected representatives from North Kivu, staying in Goma, also recommended good supervision of the Wazalendo, accused of several abuses against the civilian population. 

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