DRC: Construction work on the deep-water port of Banana to resume soon

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The resumption of construction work on the deep-water port of Banana is scheduled for next October. The decision was announced at a meeting chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communication, Jean-Pierre Bemba, on Tuesday, September 10 in Kinshasa.

Construction work on the deep-water port of Banana, in Kongo Central, will resume in October 2024, at the conclusion of a high-level meeting chaired in Kinshasa by the Deputy Prime Minister of Transport, Jean-Pierre Bemba.

Having taken part in this meeting, the Director General of the National Transport Office (ONATRA), Martin Lukusa, confirmed the effectiveness of the restart of work by the company DP World.

"We are sufficiently advanced. I believe, we have even closed. The usual formalities will remain, it is agreed that DP World will start work within a month, that's it, it's agreed and the go-ahead is given ," he declared.

Regarding the negative consequences that the construction of this port could cause with neighboring countries, Martin Lukusa believes that relations will remain at a good level. "This cannot kill our relations, they have their deep-water ports, we also have the right to have them at home and competition will create emulation. Those who have more efficient evacuation routes within their countries will win the markets," said DG Lukusa.

It should be noted that these meetings were attended by the Minister of Portfolio, Jean Lucien Bussa and representatives of the Ministries of Infrastructure, Defense, Economy, and COPIREP which was also represented.

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