2024 Budget: Minister Doudou Fwamba announces the soon submission of the draft accountability report to the National Assembly

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The Minister of Finance, Doudou Fwamba Likunde announced that the draft accountability report would soon be submitted to the National Assembly. This, after its validation by the Council of Ministers.

The national treasurer made this known during a meeting he had on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, with the agents and executives of the General Directorate of Administrative, State, Judicial and Participation Revenues (DGRAD), as well as those of the Directorate for the Preparation of Accountability (DPRC).

This approach is part of the ongoing financial reforms, aimed at ensuring transparent management of public finances, in particular the strategic importance of accountability, an operational pillar for ensuring accountability in the institutional system of public finances.

He also announced the establishment of a specific training plan for agents of these two directorates. He specified that this initiative aims to strengthen their skills and fully exploit their expertise, in order to contribute effectively to the smooth running of the State.

As part of the implementation of the decisions taken during the meetings with the union bench of the public finance administration, Minister Doudou Fwamba intends to personally visit the offices housing the finance administration.

He also spoke with the executives and agents of the DGRAD on the worrying situation prevailing in this financial authority.

To this end, Doudou Fwamba sounded the alarm in the face of the dysfunctions observed by calling on all staff to be neutral in the management of the administration, while firmly denouncing tribalism. He then encouraged the adoption of a patriotic attitude which is a real lever for a sustainable maximization of public revenues.

It should be noted that a restructuring is underway, with the promise of an implementation based exclusively on competence. Because, for the Minister of Finance, this reorganization aims to restore order and ensure that the general interest of the State takes precedence over any other consideration.

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