Kinshasa: Cherry Esam celebrates 25 years of professional career as a stylist and model maker

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From the dream of music to fashion. Cherry Essam, renowned stylist and model maker, announced that he will celebrate his 25 years of career on October 24 and 25 in the city of Kinshasa. From the height of these years of experience, he emphasizes the growing importance of the textile industry in a country such as the DRC. This is an opportunity for him to thank all his clients without whom he would never have become the man he is today in the fashion sector.

This celebration will begin on October 24th with a fashion show at the National Museum of the DRC, accompanied by various other activities such as dancing, before closing on the 25th at the marquee of the Royal Event space with a gala evening. This event aims not only to highlight his impressive career, but also the significant evolution of fashion in the DRC and its impact on Congolese culture.

The textile industry in Africa, and particularly in the DRC, has become a major lever for youth entrepreneurship. Local talents, such as Cherry Esam, have been able to exploit their creativity to seduce the whole world with initiatives that contribute to strengthening the Congolese cultural identity.

Cherry Esam played a crucial role in this dynamic. "In 25 years of career, my contribution has always been that of the fight for the creation of a cultural industry capable of contributing to economic development," he declared, emphasizing at the same time the importance of the textile industry as an economic driver, while expressing his hope to see the fashion sector supported by the Congolese state.

The designer is not alone in this fight. As president of the Association of Professional Dressmakers of the City of Kinshasa (ACPK), Cherry Esam surrounds himself with other professionals who share his vision and passion. Together, they work to structure and promote the sector, aiming to obtain supervision and government subsidies.

Beyond the economy, the fashion industry in the DRC contributes greatly to Congolese culture. Local designers’ creations celebrate the country’s heritage and cultural diversity, while innovating with contemporary influences. This unique fusion attracts international attention and puts the DRC on the global fashion map.

As the industry continues to grow, challenges remain. Increased state support and investment could propel the DRC as a leader in African fashion. Talents like Cherry Esam demonstrate that fashion can be a powerful force for change, capable of transforming not only the economy, but all of Congolese society.

The textile industry in the DRC is booming, driven by creative talents and a collective desire for development. This development promises a bright future for Congolese fashion, reinforcing its essential role in the country's culture and economy.

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