Makala: CENCO denounces the trivialization of human life and calls for independent investigations

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The National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) has strongly condemned the recent events at the central prison of Makala in Kinshasa, where more than a hundred people were killed, some by gunshots, during an escape attempt on the night of September 1 to 2. In a statement released on Wednesday, the Congolese bishops denounced the "trivialization of human life" in the Democratic Republic of Congo and called for firm and fair justice for the victims.

CENCO members, led by Cardinal Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, Archbishop of Lubumbashi, expressed their deep indignation at what they called a "massacre" at Makala prison, while recalling other recent tragedies, such as the killings in Goma and Kilwa, as well as the shipwreck on the Lukeni River. They denounced "the negligence of state services" and urged the authorities to conduct serious investigations to establish responsibilities.

"We, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops members of CENCO, will never be silent until the Congolese people fully enjoy the right to life and respect for their dignity," they said in their statement. They also insisted on the sacred nature of human life, recalling that "every man, including the prisoner, created in the image of God, must be promoted and respected."

The bishops called on the government to honour its commitments, particularly with regard to the construction of new prisons to avoid clandestine incarcerations and to relieve overcrowding in existing penitentiary facilities. CENCO also urged the judicial authorities to initiate proceedings against the perpetrators of human rights violations and bring them before the competent courts.

Faced with this critical situation, CENCO invited all Catholic faithful and people of good will to promote the culture of non-violence, respect for human life, and to work for unity and social cohesion with a view to restoring lasting peace in the DRC.

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