129 prisoners killed in Makala: wave of indignation in the DRC, the socio-political class deplores the lack of respect for human life

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The incidents that occurred on the night of Sunday to Monday, September 2, at the central prison of Makala, in Kinshasa, cost the lives of 129 prisoners killed, including 24 by gunfire, women raped and the burning of the registry offices, the infirmary and the food depots, according to the government. This is following a disproportionate intervention by the police and security forces to stifle an escape attempt.

This macabre situation has provoked strong indignation within the Congolese socio-political class. Several actors denounce the "assassination", the "massacre", or even the "carnage" pointing out the irresponsibility of the state authorities who do not respect human life.

"I condemn in the strongest terms the brutal murder of prisoners at Makala prison. These summary executions are an unacceptable crime that cannot go unpunished. I demand that all light be shed on this carnage, and that those responsible be brought to justice. Respect for human life and dignity must prevail in the DRC," reacted opponent Martin Fayulu on X. 

Olivier Kamitatu, opponent and close friend of Moise Katumbi, mentions for his part, "the irresponsibility of the leaders"

"Whatever the cause of the tragedy, nothing can justify this new massacre. Our civic duty is to bow before the memory of the victims and denounce the scandalous irresponsibility of the leaders who have transformed the DR Congo into a state where atrocities have become our daily lot, where human life seems to have lost all value. This unbearable situation cannot continue any longer. We must no longer remain indifferent and idly by in the face of the barbarity that, every day, shakes the very foundations of our humanity," he said.

The human rights defender and president of ASADHO, for his part, is calling for sanctions against the deputy minister of justice Samuel Mbemba for having communicated on Monday a negligible figure of 2 deaths.

"The Deputy Minister of Justice must be suspended for lying to the people about the number of people who died in Makala prison. Can a man who lies about sensitive issues manage a ministry transparently? Enough is enough," wrote Jean-Claude Katende.

No sanctions have been announced so far by the government following these serious incidents. 

Constant Mutamba, Minister of State for Justice and Keeper of the Seals, had denounced an act of sabotage, announcing the opening of investigations to identify and punish the instigators. 

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