Lukwebo on the composition of the government: "others reap where they have not sown"

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Nearly 5 months after the government left office, Bahati Lukwebo, statutory president of the Alliance of Democratic and Allied Forces (AFDC-A) group, has finally broken his silence following the demands of his leaders, frustrated by the share reserved for their group within the Suminwa team. During a press conference this Monday, September 2, 2024, the current 2nd vice-president of the Senate, known for being silent, said he understood the sorrow of his people to see others reaping where they did not sow.

"You are not used to seeing me in political debates but today following multiple complaints, moreover well-founded, from all the federations within the country as well as those abroad... due to not having taken advantage of their hard work as decided by the Congolese people at the polls in December 2023, I decided to calm the storm and refer to the President of the Republic. I understand and share their sorrow and pain of seeing others reap where they have not sown," declared the former President of the Senate.

Bahati Lukwebo points out “hatred and jealousy” in relation to the share allocated to the AFDC-A despite its high success rate after the elections of December 20, which saw his political group garner 40 national deputies, 13 senators, 77 provincial deputies, 94 municipal councilors, not to mention the seats lost and in the CENI, and in the constitutional court, and in courts and tribunals during the dispute. Notwithstanding what the AFDC-A federations call “an error”, Bahati Lukwebo says he trusts the president of the republic, “in love with peace and justice. He alone knows when he will act,” he says, while denouncing “cliché laboratories” around him. 

Regarding any reshuffle for reparation, Bahati Lukwebo defers to the head of state. For him, if it were only about the positions, the AFDC-A would already leave the sacred union. However, he says he and his political party are rather demanding recognition of the efforts they made to come second political force within Félix Tshisekedi's platform, after last December's elections, behind the UDPS. 

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