Kinshasa: Victims of sexual harassment at work confide in the women's desk

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Sexual harassment at work continues to plague the professional environment in Kinshasa, leaving indelible marks on the lives of many women. While official figures struggle to capture the scale of the phenomenon, the testimonies collected on Monday, September 2, 2024, paint a grim picture of reality.

To preserve their anonymity, the names of the people who confided in us are assumed names.

I started working in the media sector with great enthusiasm four years ago. At first, everything was going well, but my supervisor soon started making inappropriate remarks about my appearance. The advances were not long in coming. I refused categorically, but he redoubled the pressure, going so far as to threaten to fire me if I did not give in. I went to work with butterflies in my stomach. I ended up resigning, exhausted and demoralized, " confides Marie Rose Matondo, a journalist.

Fear of retaliation, shame and guilt are all factors that push victims to remain silent. In addition, the culture of silence that reigns in many companies makes it easier for these behaviors to continue.

In my field, harassment is almost daily, and no one cares. Sexist jokes, non-consensual touching, requests for sexual favors in exchange for a promotion, etc. It's a real obstacle course. I'm afraid to file a complaint, because I fear reprisals and finding myself unemployed. I'm afraid to speak out, afraid of losing my job. I feel alone and powerless ," worries Mireille Joto, an employee in a cosmetics company.

I was harassed by a colleague. He kept making indecent propositions to me and insisting on having my phone number. I reported the facts to my employer, but he did nothing. I felt like I was being abandoned, " laments Marthe Analoseke, a bank employee.

Harassment can take very subtle forms that are difficult to prove, notes Brigitte Ndekosako, an employee in the telecommunications sector.

Insistent stares, comments about my body, sexist remarks... At first, I minimized it, thinking it was in my head. But over time, I realized that I was not the only one experiencing this kind of behavior. "

Despite the laws in force, the testimonies reveal a difficult daily life for women who dare to denounce these actions.

I decided to file a complaint after being repeatedly groped by my colleague. It was a very difficult step, but I wanted justice to be done. Unfortunately, the procedure was long and trying. I came out the loser at the end and I lost everything, since I had no proof and my colleague had bet a lot of money. Today I feel uncomfortable in my job and can no longer work as before ," complains Nicha Owandjo, a worker in a health center.

These testimonies highlight the many challenges faced by women victims of sexual harassment in Kinshasa: fear of reprisals, lack of evidence, slow legal proceedings, lack of support.

The psychological and professional consequences of these actions are often devastating: loss of self-confidence, stress, depression, even resignation.

It is essential to create a healthy and respectful work environment, where victims feel safe to report the facts. Companies have a key role to play by implementing policies to prevent and combat sexual harassment ," added Nicha Owandjo.

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